Welcome To ‘God Mode’.
How To Access ‘Flow’ And Unlock Your Full Potential.
Have you ever felt so focused in a moment of pure clarity that it enveloped you entirely; Mind, body and soul?
I’m talking about a state of elevated consciousness where nothing else matters except for you operating at your full potential. Whether it be in sports, at work or even casually amongst your loved ones, this state of optimal flow is something I like to call ‘God mode; And with a little bit of practice and lots of self love, entering this space can be far easier than you might think.
So if you’re ready to access the very best version of yourself for daily maximum production output then read on!
Welcome To The Present
Back when I studied acting in conservatory those many moons ago, we were routinely conditioned to identify specific “moments” within our scene work which would inherently become the entry point to any authentic performance.
By acknowledging these moments as performers, we take a critical step towards a more vivid and truthful storytelling experience for both ourselves and our audience.
It was through this very training as well, where I came to discover the profound effects of being present. Now as someone who suffers from slight ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), the benefits here were boundless.
The very same presence of mind that my craft demanded from me was also something which I learned I could directly translate and apply to my life in general in order to more readily be able to access what I call ‘God mode’.
What Is ‘God Mode’?
Now despite its sanctimonious undertone, ‘God Mode’ has very little to do with religion or moral superiority and everything to do with our self awareness and spiritual alignment within any given moment or activity.
You might know this as being ‘in the zone’ or accessing a ‘state of flow’. I call it ‘God Mode’; And it’s often times associated with the creative arts such as painting, drawing, or writing. However, it can also occur while engaging in a sport, such as skiing, tennis, soccer, dancing, or running.
But whatever you choose to call this state of maximum potential and output, the benefits remain more or less the same and altogether universal.
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
In her article ‘The Psychology of Flow’, author and educational consultant, Kendra Cherry breaks down the added benefits of accessing this elusive space.
These include, but are not limited to:
- Better emotional regulation and growth towards emotional complexity which can help people develop the skills necessary to help regulate their emotions more effectively.
- Improved Performance; where researchers have found that flow can enhance performance in a wide variety of areas including teaching, learning, athletics and the creative arts.
- Increased Engagement: People in a ‘flow state’ tend to feel fully involved with the task at hand which by proxy leads to —
- Greater Fulfillment and Enjoyment of these tasks which in turn is linked to increased levels of satisfaction, happiness and self-actualization.
Entering ‘God Mode’
So now that we’ve covered the benefits of flow; How do we access this sacred space and better yet, maintain it.
Because we all live very distinct lives from one another, I find that there’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ answer to accessing a flow state.
Rather this is where individual presence of mind comes into play and how setting clear and concise goals while limiting distractions will grant you an all access pass to your optimal flow state.
Bottom line, accessing ‘God Mode’ first means giving yourself permission to flex hard. A thorough understanding of oneself and potential is a great place to start all the while building a regiment or routine for yourself which will more easily guide you to that state of flow.
A sentiment which was drilled into us from day one in acting school was that tapping into moments and our own state of flow, “…never gets easier, it simply becomes more possible.”
This reinforces the age old sentiment that indeed ‘practice makes perfect’ and that access to your flow state first depends on being able to identify the elements and patterns that allow you to successfully engage with both yourself and others at your prime.
All of us at some point or another have entered ‘God Mode’. It’s a place where our potential is tested and where the very best of us is on full display.
Remember to always stay true to yourself in the process of any endeavor and you’ll inevitably find yourself entering ‘God Mode’ and the state of flow more often than you think.
Thanks so much reading everyone — I hope this helps inspire anyone out there to finally finish that novel or to perfect that tennis serve or help you nail that work presentation.
Becoming the best of you serves all of us!
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