No One Will Champion Harder For You In Life Than You.

A Quick Lesson In Self Reliance.

Mazin Akar
3 min readDec 8, 2021


Let’s face it — Life is filled with people with good or even great ideas. Whether it be for a new product or service or public works/arts project, we as a society are driven by outward innovation.

Furthermore, It’s perfectly normal to consider your idea a cut above the rest and to be perfectly honest, that’s not a bad place to start.

It’s precisely that bullish attitude that’s going to get that idea out of your head and into the real world where it belongs.

Yet more times than not, those brilliant ideas will never see the light of day.

Why? Read on…

Food For Thought

I have a theory that cites our inherent reliance on social acceptance as a significant deterrent from allowing us to reach our full creative potential in life.

This was the core take-away lesson I learned following the sale of my first feature screenplay.

(More on that in the article below)

But for the purposes of his discussion, let us for example take into consideration how a graphic tee might be made.

What may begin as a novel design concept for a t-shirt will just as quickly turn into a defendant in the court of public opinion.

Rather than to commit fully to seeing our vision wholly realized, we’re wired to seek out approval and acceptance for our creations almost from the very onset of their conception.

I have found that this not only wastes precious time and energy during the creative process but almost works as a tool for self-sabotage.

The solution? Commitment.

If You Build It, They Will Come

A commitment to excelling your creative vision should be just as binding as the ones you make to your relationship(s) in life.

By channeling inward all the energy one would typically spend on seeking outside approval and/or support, you’ll begin to fully grasp the age old adage that “no one will champion harder for you in life than you.”

Which is to say your idea(s) and vision for the future are yours and yours alone to do with them what you see fit.

Ultimately, society looks upon you to see them through to fruition and not the other way around.

Don’t get me wrong — I too, realize how isolating it can be to quietly shoulder a polished vision to the finish line; A journey which can take weeks, months or even years.

But consider what you stand to gain when you do arrive or perhaps even more importantly what you stand to learn; About the process and about yourself.

Anything done once can be done again — So go get ’em champ!

Thoughts? Drop a comment below and Let’s chat!

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Mazin Akar
Mazin Akar

Written by Mazin Akar

Actor/Writer/Filmmaker discussing Film Theory and Current Events.

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